Sunday, 4 December 2011

American Consumerism- Guitar Hero

I have chosen to analyse the game guitar hero’s adverts done in the theme of ‘risky business’, specifically the advertisement for guitar hero 5 of which involves Hugh Hefner and the playboy bunnies in September 2009. It is claimed the ‘risky business’ ads continue to appeal to their audience as fans find seeing their favourite celebrities doing their own renditions of the scene entertaining.

The message portrayed through the advert is common for the classic rock and roll lifestyle of ‘sex, drugs and rock n roll’ indeed Hef has stated,

"Playboy and Rock & Roll have been intimately interconnected since I started the magazine in 1953," Guitar Hero combines rock and roll with iconic Playboy Playmates and the Playboy Mansion to create one of the sexiest ads ever made."

The target audience for this advert would be mainly the all American male dominated, as the females featured are of the same ethnicity and the soundtrack using Bob Seger highlights once again the vintage rock and roll stereotype. Towards the end of the clip Hefner plays a mockingly innocent card claiming ‘What? I like variety.’ Hefner is known for his women however this statement emphasizes the new and improved model of guitar hero mirroring the image of the bunnies.

"Playboy is recognized worldwide as a pop culture symbol of fun and entertainment; it's only natural for Hugh and the Playmates to be the next faces of the ad campaign."

Focusing on the values this advert portrays it’s mainly about sex appeal, although faced with much criticism, linking a product and sex is featured throughout the advertising business, thus by using Hefner and the Bunnies the company are shamelessly appealing to their target audience directly and in doing so provide the ‘subtle’ message if you play this game you could be like Hugh Hefner with the 10 bunnies. Overall the advert is light-hearted and obvious giving the sense that the game is just good old fashioned fun.

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