Sunday 2 October 2011

I have chosen this popular, if not disturbing image to portray in my opinion a negative aspect of America. In this image we can see two children, possibly under the age of 10 enjoying a meal at the well- known restaurant Mcdonalds. Both are morbidly obese. Obesity is a major issue in America and I believe that this could reflect on to the 'American Dream' as at a commercial level you constantly want the new and improved, then and now and for it to be quick and easy with minamal effort involved. Also to comment on their ethnicity their heritage is clearly not one from America, thus we presume their parents moved to America to live the better life promised or even advertised, and with every bite of Mcdonalds they engulf part of the American Dream and in that aspect I believe they have been corrupted and perhaps have had enough.
Further more there isn't anywhere in this on this Earth that a Mcdonalds can not be found, as a branch it has succeeded without doubt through adveritising and publicity stunts to make one believe that one is doing the right thing to eat a Mcdonalds.

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