The website I've chosen for analysis is the functionally named which like other websites discussed claims to be the 'official' website of the party. Like many other sites it has a wide range of media such a videos, raido shows, blogs and news articles. It also give methods of contacting government officials via faxes.
The news articles are taken from a variety of sources such as The Washington Times and Yahoo and generally seem to focused on either the economy and Obama, usually casting him in a negative light, although that is the opinion of the original article as opposed to the main page.
The Web page is a little confusing due to the fact that the more opinionated side of it can be found by clicking the link "Join the Party". Which leads to a section filled with links to blogs, photos, online radio shows and even a shop.
The blogs range in length and quality but nearly all are of an anti-Obama/Democrat bent.
The Radio shows plays (some quite good) music (patriot of course) and has discussions about the economy and gives out information. the generally running theme is usually about "restoring our country".
The simple fact that there are more than one webpages that claim to be the official site for the Tea Party movement shows the fractured nature of said movement. Indeed one of the current topic of discussion that seem to be causing a rift is whether or not to support the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement; some bloggers say they are leftist scroungers who are attacking the hard working, whilst others say the big bosses of Wall Street are to blame for the economic collapse and the government should have let the banks collapse in order to profligate the free market.
One comment that was really interesting to note was one which was in
support of economic regulation: "Free enterprise/free trade has put our economy under, we were sold out over 20 years ago, when it first began. Our "heavy industries" were the first to be phased out" which again puts the Tea Party movement into a more Democrat position!
In my own personal opinion the Tea Party movement has many genuine concerns for the American economy and the apparent loss of communication between the governed and the government. In fact at it's heart the Tea Party is a very egalitarian, patiotic and populist movement, however like many such movements in the past it is corrupted and distorted by moralistic tendencies and a discordance in it's opinions. In short, like America itself it is very varied in it's goals and opinions and ultimately that's it's downfall; it is too divided to be a political force.