Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Coca~Cola advert.

Coca Cola began in 1886, and since then their adverts have also included particular images and themes of the current time. From the beginning they have had adverts which show ladies smartly clothed in Victorian style dresses and similar decor, current themes continue showing typical American sports such as baseball. This shows the consumer does buy into the patriotic sense of these adverts, and other nations buy into the 'Americanisation' and desire of wanting to be part of American life.
This advert shows stereotypical American images such as; Elvis, Audrey Hepburn, Rolling Stones, American flag, hot dog, cars, baseball and so on, in the outline of a Coca~Cola bottle. This cult classics along with the slogan 'A classic never goes out of style' suggests that Coke is as symbolic and an iconic image along with these famous world wide known images.
The use of the red and white colour could either be simply as it is the colour of Coca~Cola or could be the colour of the American flag, which again supports the idea of America as a great 'classic' nation and the patriotic sense from Americans that all of these images, colours and the concept of Coke is American rather than British/European etc.


  1. Aren't the Rolling Stones British? (Rhetorical Question)

  2. They're British, yes... but haven't they made a massive mark on American culture? i.e. Rolling Stones magazine.


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