Sunday, 20 November 2011

Handguns are used for protection against criminals in America nearly 2 million times per year. That's up to five times more often than they're used to commit crimes and nearly 128 times the total number of murders in the United States. With statistics such as these it is hard not to at the least acknowledge that being a gun carrier in America has some advantage. Phil Valentine emphasises this statement with his excerpt 'guns are good' . In this the audience are forced to recognise the benefits of arming oneself with a gun and gives the example of Wayne Nance whence good conquers evil 'This is but one example of literally millions of times that guns have saved lives, something the anti-gun nuts don't want you to know. But now you do.' Valentine further highlights the hypocrisy of those openly opposing the right to bear arms, such as Rosie O'Donnell 'In other words, if she and her family are threatened, then they should be protected with guns. However, if you and your family are threatened, you should not be allowed access to guns. Very nice.' He claims that her and the other advocates of the anti-gun policy is an 'emotional response and not one based on facts' and that 'banning guns is adding to the problem ‘that not having a gun hinders those in need an makes them a target with the inevitable repercussion of death, 'Imagine how less tragic Columbine could've been if only some responsible citizen with a gun had been there to stop it.' Valentine obviously is educated in the benefits of owning a gun and states some truth especially focusing on the media, and it’s ‘refusal to recognize the role guns play in thwarting crime.’ However he is perhaps too radical in his right wing opinions to fully appreciate the truths of which he explores.
“I guess the truth is too politically incorrect to be printed. Apparently, it doesn't fit some of the leftwing reporters' agenda – an agenda to rid this country of guns. That's really what all this comes down to. If there were not a concerted agenda on the part of many in the news media to rid the United States of guns, you would have equal attention given to other forms of murder. Glaring examples of the double standard can be found in some of this country's most high-profile murders. Something overlooked by many in the so-called "Crime of the Century," the O. J. Simpson trial, was that Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman were not murdered with a gun, they were stabbed to death.”

In comparison, however the Brandy campaign to prevent gun violence gives statistics,
31,593 people died from gun violence
􀀹 12,179 people murdered.
􀀹 18,223 people killed themselves.
􀀹 592 people killed accidentally.
􀀹 326 killed by police intervention.
􀀹 273 died but intent was not known.
This website set in its nationalistic colours provides support for those ‘left wingers’ who wish to rid America of the constitutional right of bearing arms. As an audience we are firstly introduced to the faces of ‘dangerous people’ or ‘concealed carriers’ their faces are not typical of those of a serial killer however the agenda of the site is to highlight that dangerous people are hidden everywhere in the faces of today’s society. There too is a tally of ‘people shot so far today,’ at this given time being 102, thus making the reader shocked and disgusted, opening their eyes to the reality. The website offers a neutral opinion on gun violence allowing the reader to form their own opinions based on the facts and information given about gun violence, unlike that of Valentine. Furthermore the options of taking action or donating to the cause get the chosen audience involved, their claim is merely ‘to protect you, your family and your community from gun deaths and injuries. In America, we make it too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons. There are only a few federal gun control laws on the books, and even those have loopholes. This leads to senseless gun violence affecting tens of thousands.’ Overall this website is thought out to make the audience interact and mould their attitudes in this seemingly neutral, polite, caring environment whereas Valentines was more on the attack.

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